The Voice

Conservative voices of the 6th Plymouth District 

Our Mission: Encourage conservatives to become involved and run for office or fill vacancies in the many Boards, Commissions and Committees in our Town Governments, and to organize and promote Republican Candidates in Local, State, and Country elections.

Don Bryant
Annette Benenato 

Where did all the observances go?

Latest on the Petition to Repeal Drivers Licenses for Illegals
Hanson Republican Town Committee Meeting Tuesday Sept 13th
Meet & Greet hosted by Hanson Republican Town Committee Sept. 15th
Visit the Hanson RTC table on Hanson Day September 24th
REMINDER: Hanson RTC Selling Apparel as a Fundraiser

Community Center Zoom Meeting 9/7
Reading Right Book Club

Pembroke Rising's Event: Schools and the Sexualizing of Children, 10/15
Vacancies on Town Committees
And Then There's This...

Duxbury RTC Hosts Flag Day Luncheon

Resignations of Town Administrator/Two Selectmen
News to Use


So where did they all go?
If you have searched for a 9/11 Observance on the 21st anniversary of this century's Pearl Harbor, you already know that they are rare - so rare that only one can be found in the immediate vicinity of the 6th Plymouth District. The 20th anniversary of this tragic loss of lives was a momentous occasion with multiple observances across the Commonwealth and the South Shore areas in and near the 6th, among them Halifax, Marshfield, Duxbury, Plymouth, Rockland, Cohasset, and Scituate. Duxbury held a most impressive remembrance, particularly with their 9/11 memorial at the fire station.
The steel is from the Twin Towers. Here is the story of memorial. 

Yet one year later, there is only one observance in the 6th, in Marshfield. The Town of Marshfield has been selected as one of the 75 Communities designated as a lead public memorial location in America for the 2nd Annual 9/11 DAY Flag of Honor Across America Memorials on September 11, 2022. So we always know that there is one observance to attend in future years. On Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. at the Marshfield Boys and Girls Club, 37 Proprietors Drive, there will be a ceremony to remember this tragic day.  The ceremony will consist of the Presentation of the Colors, Pledge of Allegiance, singing of the National Anthem, speeches and the reading of the 65 names of people from Massachusetts who had their lives cut short on September 11, 2001.  

Area Republicans will honor the day by a 9/11 Memorial Brunch in Cohasset. 


Latest on the Petition to Repeal Drivers Licenses for Illegals
        Over 100,000 signatures were collected for the petition to repeal drivers' licenses for illegals.  In order to be on the Fall ballot, this initiative requires 41,000 certified signatures of MA registered voters to be turned in to the Massachusetts Secretary of State by September 7th.  This ballot initiative will give Massachusetts voters the opportunity to decide if illegal immigrants should have the ability to get drivers' licenses.   
        This initiative was started due to the MA legislature passing a law this year to allow illegal immigrants to apply for drivers' licenses starting in July 2023.  From the MassGOP Press Release, "Fair and Secure Massachusetts Chairwoman Maureen Maloney, whose son Matthew Denice was 23 when he was killed in 2011 by a drunk-driving illegal immigrant, called it an “honor” to help lead the effort. Maloney also singled out special praise to Republican gubernatorial candidate Geoff Diehl, whose volunteer team collected the highest totals, and who invited her to help lead the effort.   She disputed the Democrats’ narrative that the legislation makes state roads safer and pointed out that a 2020 law automatically registers those who obtain a Massachusetts driver’s license to vote.   “Voters lined up to sign our petition, they voiced to us their reasons for opposing the law,” Maloney recalled before adding that she witnessed firsthand the harassment campaign waged by leftists to prevent volunteers from carrying out their work."  To read the complete MassGOP press release: "This was Democracy in action."

Hanson Republican Town Committee Meeting
on Tuesday Sept 13th
The Hanson Republican Town Committee will be having its monthly meeting in person at the American Legion at 92 Robinson Street in Hanson on Tuesday September 13th at 6:30pm to discuss the final plans for its' September 15th Meet and Greet.  If you are registered as an unenrolled or Republican voter in Hanson, please join us as a guest. For more information, please email us at [email protected]

Meet & Greet hosted by Hanson Republican Town Committee on Sept. 15th

Please join the Hanson Republican Town Committee for a Meet and Greet event with Special Guests Geoff Diehl for Governor, Rayla Campbell for Secretary of StateJesse Brown for CongressDistrict Attorney Tim CruzState Representative David DeCostePlymouth County Commissioner Sandra WrightKen Sweezey for State Representative and Jim Gordon for State Senate on Thursday September 15th at 6:30pm at 105 Azalea Way, Hanson.  Light refreshments will be served.


Visit the Hanson RTC table on Hanson Day September 24th

Please come visit the Hanson Republican Town Committee booth at Hanson Day on Saturday September 24th from 11am til 2pm at the Hanson Town Hall.  We will have some great items to raffle off, and games with prizes for the kids.  

REMINDER: Hanson RTC Selling Apparel as a Fundraiser 
By Annette Benenato
As a reminder, the Hanson Republican Town Committee voted to launch an online apparel store thru Rockland Athletics.  Click here to browse online clothing store.  We are selling T-shirts, Polos, Sweatshirts, Hats, Duffel bags and Fleece blankets with Hanson Republican Town Committee logo, and the town of Hanson with American Flag logo.  The Hanson RTC will get a portion of each sale which will be used to support Republican candidates running for office.  The online Store officially opened March 18th.

 Community Center Zoom Meeting 9/7

The Pembroke Select Board has been reviewing the Community Center project in depth with all of its various facets at each meeting. The public forum on August 23rd at the Public Library was well received, and residents viewed the project plans and many great questions relevant to the project were asked and answered.
The remaining question to be answered is the impact on the project funding of the general contractor bid results. If a need for gap funding between the $19million original appropriation and these 2022 bids received to execute the project, town meeting will have the chance to vote on a request for supplemental funding to complete the project. Log in to the Zoom meeting scheduled for September 7th at 7:00 pm to review the actual bids received and the gap that needs funding on October 18th at town meeting. Go here for info on how to register and attend this virtual meeting

The Reading Right Book Club
The Reading Right Book Club will resume in September after a four month break. RRBC meets on the fourth Monday of each month at the Pembroke Public Library, 142 Center Street, 6:45-8:00pm. Here is the schedule of books to be discussed.

September 26 - “Dobbs, State Health Officer of the Mississippi Department of Health,  et al. v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, et al."
It is available here at the SCOTUS website. It is also available on Kindle for $0.99. The actual reasoning of the justices, both the majority and minority opinions, provide amazing insights into how the court reaches its conclusions, amazing in both the best and worst sense. Everyone seems to agree that Justice Alito’s majority opinion is a stellar contribution to American jurisprudence.

October 24  - “Saving Nine: The Fight Against the Left's Audacious Plan to Pack the Supreme Court and Destroy American Liberty,” by Senator Mike Lee, just published in June. Lee is member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Here is a worthy interview of Lee by Ben Domenech.

November 28 - “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win,” by Peter Schweitzer, published in January of this year. That the Chinese government seeks to infiltrate American institutions is hardly surprising. What is wholly new, however, are the number of American elites who are eager to help the Chinese dictatorship in its quest for global hegemony. Schweizer’s investigative credentials are impeccable. Here is an interview with Schweitzer. 

January 23 - Taking a break for December, the selection for January 23 will be Eddie Scarry’s “Liberal Misery: How the Hateful Left Sucks Joy Out of Everything and Everyone.” This is a Spotify link to an interview with Scarry on The Federalist Radio Hour. Remember Elon Musk's words about the woke left - "At its heart, wokeness is divisive, exclusionary, and hateful. It basically gives mean people… a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue."

If you desire to be on the RRBC email list, contact us at [email protected]

The Role of Schools in the Sexualization of our Children 
An Evening with Mary Ellen Siegler
Founder, Massachusetts Informed Parents
Saturday, October 15, 7 PM
Old Colony Sportsmen's Association, 159 Forest St

How did sexuality/gender ideology in get on schools' agenda? 
 What are Parents’ rights in this matter? 
What are the action steps to bring parents up to date with current trends and issues to protect our children?

Pembroke Rising's third event this year seek answers to these three questions. The insertion of sexuality/gender issues in education is now an issue for every parent to face. The decreasing time and resources to focus on a classic education is resulting in alarm of parents who sense and believe that schools have pushed too far into the privacy and integrity of the family, competing for its authority and rights to directly impact the health and strength of the family unit and specifically the best interests of the child.
Mary Ellen has worked as a business manager and has also served in leadership in the homeschooling educational community on various boards, as a tutor in a classical educational community, as a speech and debate coach, and as an administrator for various educational co-operatives. She holds a professional certification as a Sexual Risk Avoidance Specialist, which enables her to promote an education approach based on a public health model of primary prevention, empowering youth to avoid all the risks of pre-marital sexual activity, a state-wide grassroots effort to educate parents and communities on critical issues that impact our children’s health and well-being, specifically what is being taught to students through Comprehensive Sexuality Education in our public schools. She brings years of experience as an organizational leader and educator to this initiative. 

Please visit Pembroke Rising on FacebookInstagram, and the website for announcements.
Please consider serving on a Town Committee. These are positions appointed by the Select Board. Here is the process for appointments.

-The Community Center continues to be on the agenda of the Select Board and the Town Manager. Here is the most recent report on the status of the project given by Town Manager Bill Chenard on August 23 at the Pembroke Public Library.

- Next year there will be two seats open for the Pembroke Select Board with both Becky Coletta and Tracy Marino having served their three year terms. There will also be two open seats for the School Committee with Dave Boyle and Lance Kennedy completing their terms. To all grassroots conservatives, Pembroke is calling!!

-DEI in Pembroke, of course, has not gone away. While the Pembroke DEI Committee has been disbanded by Select Board vote, the Pembroke Schools are reconstituting its DEI Advisory Working Group. This group will advise Erin Obey, School Superintendent on matters specifically intersecting diversity, equity, and inclusion issues. They have sent out to parents and other interest community people who are on their mailing a 'new member interest survey.' This was discussed at the most recent meeting of the School Committee on August 23 with a significant turnout by parents concerned about how DEI ideology can intrude into education and the welfare of children. The School Committee reviewed the interest survey that the School Superintendent would email to those who are on their email list. It was fairly simple document which asked for personal data (name, address, etc.) and posed the question of why the applicant would want to be on the Working Group. Perhaps another very simple question could have been added - "are you able to work with others who disagree with your political, educational, and religious worldviews?" Conservatives are clearly concerned that the very moniker "DEI" will filter out conservatives and turn the Working Group toward the left in terms of applicants and acceptable discourse. The Superintendent and School Committee verbally assured all parts of the Pembroke community will be welcome, which would be unlike the Pembroke DEI Committee, which dominantly believed that leftist DEI ideology was a requirement for participation. Don Bryant addressed the committee concerning the need for the Working Group to truly reflect the Pembroke community which has been and is a center or center/right Town and which three times in the last year voted to take DEI ideology off the board. The school and the community have the same zip code, and though school affairs are highly regulated by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education which often leaves little room for local choice, what room there is should reflect community values. If the DEI Working Group is found to be otherwise, trust will be diminished and suspicions increased. 

The slides Obey refers to can be found here. The survey form can be found here.
-To keep informed on parents and school issues you will want to visit the Facebook group, Massachusetts Informed Parents.

From the Duxbury Republican Town Cmte Facebook Page
The DRTC held their annual Summer BBQ, always a treat. For more information about the DRTC, you are invited to email them at [email protected]. They meet the third Wednesday of each month.

Resignations of Town Admin/Two Selectmen
The Halifax Selectmen held what proved to be a five minute emergency meeting on to accept the resignation of Town Administrator Marty Golightly but which surprisingly also included the resignation of two Selectmen, Board Chair Ashley DiSesa and Alexander Meade who was just elected in May. There are now unexpired terms to 2024 and 2025 on the board. Here is the audio of those resignations. Jonathan Selig, the only current member of the Halifax Board of Selectmen, speaks to WATD here. He said that the Select Board can operate legally with only one Selectman. No official interim Town Administrator has been appointed but an employee in Town Hall has volunteered to take on some of those duties.
The Board of one "met" this last Tuesday, August 30. No minutes have been posted and The Voice is not aware of a date for a special town election.
(Note: RTC stands for Republican Town Committee)
1  - Pembroke RTC, 7pm, Tolson's Tap and Tavern (the old British Beer Company)
7  - Pembroke Community Center Zoom Meeting
13 - Hanson RTC, 6:30pm, American Legion, 92 Robinson St, Hanson
15 - Candidates Meet & Greet at 6:30pm hosted by the Hanson RTC, 105 Azalea Way, Hanson
19 - Marshfield RTC, 7pm, VFW, rte 3A, Marshfield (Meets third Monday of each month
21 -Duxbury RTC, 5:45pm (3rd Wed. of each month) Merry Room, Duxbury Free Library
24 - Hanson Day, 11am - 2pm, visit the Hanson RTC Booth, Town Hall

15 - Pembroke Rising: Schools and Sexualizing Children, 7pm, Old Colony Sportsmen's Assoc.
17 - Marshfield RTC, 7pm, VFW, rte 3A, Marshfield
18 - Pembroke Annual Town Meeting
19 - Duxbury RTC, 5:45pm, Merry Room, Duxbury Free Library


News to Use
-Follow MacRae's campaign for the State Senate 
here; Ken Sweezy's for State Representative here; Jim Gordon's for State Representative here; Patrick O'Connor's for State Senate here; Ron Patuto's for Sate Senate here; Jesse Brown's for Congress here; Dan Sullivan's for Congress here; Geoff Diehl's for Governor here; and his running mate for Lt. Governor, Leach Cole Allen's here; Chris Doughty's for Governor here; his running mate for Lt. Gov., Kate Campanele's here; Jay McMahon's for Attorney General here; Rayla Campbell's here.

-The Massachusetts Primary will be September 3 with early voting in place from August 27 to Friday, September 2. The new law now requires cities and towns to hold one week of early voting — including the weekend — before every state (and presidential) primary elections. Hours in each town may vary, so check with your Town Clerks office.
There are several GOP candidates for office who have no primary opponent: Jay McMahon, Attorney General; Rayla Campbell, Secretary of State; Anthony Amore, Auditor; Ken Sweezey, State Rep for 6th Plymouth District; Jim Gordon, State Rep for 2nd Plymouth and Norfolk; Dave DeCoste, State Rep for 5th Plymouth; Kari MacRae, State Senate for Plymouth and Barnstable District; Eric Meschino, State Rep for 12th District; Tim Cruz, District Attorney; Joe McDonald, Sheriff; and Sandra Wright, County Commissioner.
Contested races are: Geoff Diehl and Chris Doughty for Governor; Leah Cole Allen and Kate Campanale for Lt. Governor; Patrick O'Connor and Ron Patuto for State Senate, First Plymouth and Norfolk; Jesse Brown and Dan Sullivan for Congress, 9th.
Go here for a listing of GOP primary races for both State Representatives and State Senator.

-The Voice needs reporters for the newsletter from Marshfield precinct 1 and Halifax precinct 2, which have been redistricted to the 6th Plymouth. Future editions will post on items of political interest in both towns. Interested or know of someone who is? Please email Don Bryant at [email protected].
-Here is a listing of some of the conservative activist groups on the South Shore -MotherlodePembroke RisingSouth Shore Grassroots AllianceMass Against MandatesLet Freedom Ring. Freedom Ring can be contacted by email and at Telegram @freedomringsusa.
A Word in Time
"There are few things more dishonorable than misleading the young." Thomas Sowell